Empowering the Freelance Economy

Cancer Alert: 40% of Cases Linked to Lifestyle – Freelancers, Are You at Risk?

Photo by Thirdman via Pexels
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Cut your chances of getting cancer by 40% just by making these lifestyle changes

A wake-up call for freelancers and everyone else: A groundbreaking study published in the CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians reveals that a staggering 40% of all cancer cases and 44% of cancer deaths in the United States could be prevented by addressing key lifestyle factors.

The study, which focused on adults aged 30 and older in 2019, meticulously analysed data from national sources and found that modifiable risk factors play a significant role in cancer development. The leading culprits were identified as:

  • Smoking: This remains the leading preventable cause of cancer.
  • Alcohol Consumption: Even moderate drinking increases the risk of several cancers.
  • Obesity: Excess weight is linked to a higher risk of many cancers.
  • Inactivity: Regular exercise is crucial for cancer prevention.
  • Poor Diet: A diet low in fruits and vegetables and high in processed foods can fuel cancer development.
  • Cancer-Causing Infections: Viruses like HPV and hepatitis B and C can trigger certain cancers.

Freelancers have a unique risk of getting cancer

While these lifestyle factors affect everyone, freelancers may face unique challenges. The often sedentary nature of freelance work, irregular schedules, and the stress of self-employment can make it harder to maintain healthy habits. However, prioritising health is not only possible but essential for a successful freelance career.

Protecting Yourself Against Cancer-Causing Viruses

Two of the lifestyle factors in the study – HPV and hepatitis B and C – are viral infections. Here’s how to protect yourself:


  • Vaccination: The HPV vaccine is highly effective in preventing infection, according to medical studies
  • Safe Sex Practices: Condoms offer some protection
  • Regular Screening: Pap smears can detect early signs of cervical cancer

Hepatitis B and C:

  • Vaccination: Vaccines are available for hepatitis B
  • Safe Practices: Avoid sharing needles and practice safe sex
  • Get Tested: Early detection is key for successful treatment

If You Suspect Infection

Prompt action is vital. Consult a doctor immediately for testing and treatment options. Antiviral medications can often suppress hepatitis B and C, and early-stage cervical cancer is highly treatable.

The Takeaway for Freelancers

This study is a stark reminder that our lifestyle choices have a profound impact on our health. As freelancers, taking control of our health is an investment in our careers and our future. Small changes can make a big difference. Prioritise and schedule if you have a balanced diet, and regular exercise, and consider getting vaccinated against preventable infections if advisable by your doctor or specialist. If for some reason you decide not to get vaccinated look into alternatives and safety precautions to avoid these diseases. Your health is your most valuable asset, do not take it for granted

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Consult a healthcare professional for personalised guidance.

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