Empowering the Freelance Economy

Want to go freelance but can’t quit your job yet?

Check out Startup Business Consultant and Mentor John Spencer Williams' video clip below for some great tips on making that transition from employed to self-employed.
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If you are dreaming of going freelance or even just changing direction with skills you already have, then Career and Interviewing Coach Judy Bullimore and Startup Business Consultant and Mentor John Spencer Williams have some great tips to help you get started.

Can’t quit your job yet?

Relying on yourself to make a successful business or to build your reputation as a freelancer to achieve financial and reputational success will require determination and motivation. It also takes preparation.

Check out Startup Business Consultant and Mentor John Spencer Williams‘ video clip below for some great tips on making that transition from employed to self-employed.

Visualise your happy place. Make it your end goal

When you decide to go freelance or set up your own business, there are likely to be obstacles to overcome along the way to success, so having the ability to take yourself to a place that represents the purpose of it all, the WHY, and the direction that you’re striving for, will help to guide your journey in the right direction, according to Careers Coach Judy Bullimore.

Bullimore says keeping your end goal and the reason behind it is a great visualisation technique to use particularly when sabotaging thoughts or limiting beliefs appear (which are perfectly normal but important to spot and override).

Top Tips

Personal Brand, Expert Status & Core Offer

When you’re a business owner, freelancer or consultant, you’re essentially wearing two ‘hats’. The hat of the business or service that you are providing, and the hat of you as the person behind it and in front of it. Ultimately the customer is investing in both and requires understanding WHY they should invest in your particular brand, or in your unique way of
doing what you do best.

When lots of businesses or freelancers are marketing themselves against others that have similar products, services and offers, ultimately the final decision will be made against how aligned you and your business/ services are to the customer. It’s much easier to showcase this and set yourself apart when you know these 3 things:

Personal Brand – This is made up of passion, personality, values, and the meaning behind the experience and expertise you have.

Expert Status – Understanding and owning what you’re an expert in that will position you at the top and the front of your sector/ field. Expert Status comes from having the evidence and proof that you do what you do exceptionally well, but also the inner and outer confidence in your abilities.

Core Offer – Having the ability to package and present your Core Offer is essential. This is where you need to understand your customer/ client inside out so that you can pitch and market your personal brand and expert status in a way that sets you apart and creates the likeability and strong memorable impression that is needed to secure the contract/ investment.

Have the right tools ready to go!

When you put steps 1 and 2 together you have a strong combination of ambition, determination and a unique stand-out brand that shows WHY you are the best person to deliver. However, this can all be undermined without the tools that reinforce the impressive offer that you have.

Whether it’s a website, email signature, business documents, CV, portfolio, or social media presence to name a few! They all need to be ‘on brand’ and ready to go, showcasing your expert status and overall core offer to make it easier for the client/customer to choose you over your competitors.

This is just as important when communicating verbally, over the phone, at interviews, online meetings and networking events. The ability to present the unique brand that is you, “expert in your field and best problem solver for your potential clients” all will help to position you for success.

For more hints, tips and advice on identifying personal branding, expert status, presenting and interviewing contact Judy Bullimore at judy@judybullimore.com or connect on LinkedIn

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