Empowering the Freelance Economy

How to get your freelance portfolio in front of more prospective clients and agencies

Photo courtesy of Pexels
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For those freelancers that rely solely on a recruitment agency and an umbrella company to bag new projects or fixed contract jobs, you might want to up your game and make your portfolio more accessible to agencies and prospective clients.

Step #1: Package samples of your work in digital form

Compile 3 to 4 samples of your work or a couple of case studies and package them into digital forms, such as a slide show or pdf.

You want to be able to send your portfolio in a matter of moments to a prospective lead by an easily accessible link. You could do this by creating a pdf of slides of your work (i.e., images, text, case studies, client testimonials), which can be downloaded in a new window.

Step #2: Personalise your freelance portfolio with a video

Photo by SHVETS production via Pexels

Go one step further if you really want to really personalise your portfolio with video. You can add a professional video to accompany samples of your work through video services, such as Tella. Just upload examples of your work and discuss a brief summary in an accompanying video. Add some takeaways at the end of the video on what you can do for a client and anything else that is a unique selling point.

Here’s a quick video explaining how you’d set up a Tella account and record your first video.

Or you can do something even simpler and create a video backed up with stock photography, music and key messaging about the services or products you provide with your contact details at the end.

All of these videos can be uploaded to your LinkedIn profiles, your websites and social media channels.

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Step #3: Make your knowledge and skills known

  • There will be movers and shakers in your industry or client’s industry. Follow them on social media and offer professional observations on their posts by backing up with a brief example of your personal experience. It is wise to avoid anything too political or offensive. What can people learn from your experience to imp[rove their situation?
  • If you read a useful article or report share it and tag members of your network and even some target clients. Make professional insights in the post. Keep your message simple and state why this article; report findings, etc. is important right now or in the future to people in this industry or role. Always cite the original source of any article or individual post.
  • Offer tips once a week through social media or a LinkedIn newsletter
  • Use TikTok to offer tips too. Here’s an example: Gaurav | Job Search Tips (@gauravashisha) TikTok | Watch Gaurav | Job Search Tips’s Newest TikTok Videos

Step #4: Get quoted as an expert in the press

The thought of speaking to the press can make most people break out in a sweat. But a unique PR service for small business owners and freelancers to get their messages and knowledge heard by the trade and mainstream press is making waves.

NewsPage enables you to respond to a media request via its portal. They will even edit your responses to make them more attractive to the media without changing the meaning or your quote. It costs £9.99 per month, which is a fraction of any PR firm’s fees, so it could be money well spent especially if it raises your profile tremendously.

Here’s an example of Lewis Shaw, a self-employed mortgage advisor getting his story featured in the FT Adviser through the NewsPage service: ‘I was feeling anxious about the future’: Lewis Shaw – FTAdviser.com

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